De izquierda a derecha: Carlos Humberto Martínez; Sigifredo Salazar, Gobernador de Risaralda; Jaime Rengifo Agrícola; Aníbal Gustavo Hoyos Alcalde de Belén de Umbría; y Diego Alberto Naranjo, candidato nominado para el gobierno de Risaralda.
Carlos Humberto Martínez consultant and collaborator of the International Trade Hub at SeaPort Manatee in the coffee region of Colombia participated in the meeting of agricultural producers in Belén de Umbría, Risaralda in order to work together with the government of Risaralda, in the development of an internationalization plan for the small and medium enterprises. With the purpose of assisting them to access the domestic market of the United States and whose main focuses are the sectors of agroindustry and manufacturing.